Thursday, July 25, 2013

6 thoughts on OJ

1) I stand by my previous legal analysis which is there is a fat chance in hell he'll be granted parole even though you look at this and think wow that parole lady is super nice.
2) Watching this made me realize I have never really heard or seen OJ talking. It's kind of weird. His personality is not exactly what I expected.  But I can't articulate what I expected.
3)  I feel sad for OJ.  I know I don't know why I do I just do ok!!
4) it's been 5 years since he was convicted?????? that went fast.
5) Have you read "How I helped OJ get away with murder" ?  A book by OJ's former agent. I'd highly recommend it. Pretty interesting. Kinda effed this guy who was OJ's agent on his payroll for 18 years sold him out for a book.

6) OJ has aged considerably in the last 20 years.

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