Wednesday, July 24, 2013

....and we're back!

The time has come for my love of celebrity gossip, criminal defense, and corgis (celebrity criminal corgis for short) to have its own permanent digital space.  So juice and justice has been reborn. and improved with the addition of all things corgi.  A few indicators of what to expect so those who do not wish to be offended know never to come back without being offended:

Content will ALWAYS include:

-commentary on any celebrity* involved in any criminal or quasi-criminal activities
(did you even know he was arrested?! me the risk of being sued for libel i will refrain from revealing what i assumed he was arrested for.  it was for drug possession and happened hella long ago. not sure why or how i missed this.)

-anything criminal law including highlights of newly published decisions and citations for any fakakta argument i make that actually has a basis in law

-corgi memes up the wazoo and photos of the world's cutest corgi-Ellie Bellie Dogselvelt

Content will OFTEN include:
-the words fuck motherfucker and shit, et al. Mom, Dad, this is not facebook so you do chose to come here and therefore implicitly consent to the use of this language.  Also, I do believe my true name and/photo is not associated with this blog.

-insults and/or pig jokes directed at cops as well as gross generalizations about, without any emperical data or studies to support,  how 100% of them are racist and bad. OK that is probably the only time I'll say that. but I am so over of hearing "they're not all racist" or "they're not all bad" or well who are you going to call if you are in a home invasion (assuming im not the perpetrator j/k).

Vintage Juice and Justice:

-poor grammar, run on sentences, improper punctuation, and abbreviations

Content will NEVER include:

-reposts of other people commenting on celebrity legal issues because these so called experts do not know what the hell they are talking about

-any stories or references to past or present clients or their cases. That shit is confidential for eternity.  Even if I am not personally identified on this blog and neither are my clients, I will not ever  post here about specific things that occurred in my own real life cases (or those of my attorney friends)

-anything cardigan welsh corgi. They are so ugly.

*=I use the term loosely

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